
Leaders, Lecturers & Tour Managers

Dr Andrew Farrington

Andrew is Assistant Professor in Ancient Greek History at Democritus University of Thrace, Greece. He received his doctorate in Classical Archaeology, dissertation title, Roman Bath Houses to 300 A.D. in Lycia and the Neighbouring Areas, from Oxford University in 1987.  Previous positions held include Tutor in Classics, University of Western Australia, Perth (1984-1986); Fixed-term lecturer in Classics, Australian National University, Canberra (1990-1991); and Lecturer in Classics, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (1991-1994). Andrew, who grew up in Colchester, in north-east Essex, has written books on the Roman baths of Lycia and on the Isthmian games. He has also appeared on Greek Radio and Television. He joins ASA in 2024 as guest lecturer for our program entitled ‘Along the Via Egnatia: Macedonia, Albania and Corfu’.

  • The Roman Baths of Lycia: An Architectural Study (British Institute of Archaeology atAnkara, Monograph 20, Oxbow Books, Oxford, 1995)
  • Isthmionikai: A Catalogue of Isthmian Victors (Nikephoros Beiheft 21 (Hildesheim, 2012))