Dr Adrian Jones, OAM
Recently retired, Dr Adrian Jones, OAM was Associate Professor of European History at La Trobe University. Adrian loves to combine travel, cuisine and history, which he also reprises on segments on ABC local radio and on ABC Radio National. He enjoys the challenges of connecting epochs, cultures, languages and places. He graduated with a BA from the University of Melbourne, an MA from La Trobe University and an MA and PhD from Harvard University, eventually specialising in Russian, Turkish, French and Balkan history. His publications include a scholarly monograph, Late-Imperial Russia: An Interpretation (1997) and a local history, Follow the Gleam (2000), which won the prize for the best book on Victorian history in 2001. Adrian has published scholarly articles on the philosophy of history, historiography, educational theory, comparative revolutions, and French, Balkan, Russian and Turkish social and intellectual history. Adrian is currently finishing one book about Mustafa Kemal and the ANZACs and starting another on Russian-Romanian-Ottoman relations in the early-eighteenth-century: the era of “Tulip Age” Sultan, Ahmet III, of a Moldavian prince, Dimitrie Cantemir, who should be famous, and of the greatest of the Russian Tsars, Peter the Great. A foundation Director of the [Australian] National Centre for History Education and a former Chair of The History Council of Victoria, Adrian was awarded a national Teaching Council award in 2008, and an Order of Australia Medal in 2009 for his teaching and professional activities. Adrian currently leads ASA tours to Russia, to Romania, along the Via Egnatia in Macedonia (Greek and Slav) through Albania to Corfu, an in-depth program to Istanbul, and to Slovenia-and-inland Croatia.
Travel Tuesdays: Explore the World Virtually
Beautiful and Beguiling Romania.
Membership of professional associations
- International Society for the Scholarship of Learning and Teaching in History, Australasian Director.
- International Network for the Theory and Philosophy of History, Australian Ambassador.
- Australian Historical Association.
- History Council of Victoria.
- Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.
- National Centre for History Education, History Teachers’ Association of Victoria.
On Historiography
- ‘The Predicament of Writing Political History: The Challenge of the Tacit’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, 62(1) 2016, 117-38
- ‘Alain Badiou and Authentic Revolutions: Methods of Intellectual Inquiry’, Thesis Eleven, 106 (2011) 39-55.
- ‘Reporting in Prose: Reconsidering Ways of Writing History’, The European Legacy, 12 (2007) 311-36.
- ‘Word and Deed: Why A Post-Poststructural History Is Needed and How It Might Look’, The Historical Journal, 43: 2 (2000) 517-41.
On Historical Theory
- ‘Vivid History: Existentialist Phenomenology as a New Way to Understand an Old Way of Writing History, and as a Source of Renewal for the Writing of History’, Storia della Storiografia, 54 (2008) 21-55.
- ‘What Lies About There and Then: Phenomenologies for History’, Historically Speaking, 7:2 (2005) 32-34.
- ‘History’s “So it seems”: Heideggerian Phenomenologies and History’, Journal of the Philosophy of History, 5 (2011) 5-35.
On Russian and Ottoman History
- ‘Parallel Lives and Tragic Heroisms: Ottoman, Turkish and Australasian Myths about the Dardanelles Campaigns’, ch. 2, in Reconciling Cultural and Political Identities in a Globalized World: Perspectives on Australia-Turkey Relations, ed. Michális Michael, Basingstoke, Macmillan, 2015, 19-44.
- ‘A Petrine Day of Display, 21 December 1709’, Transcultural Studies, 9 (1-2) 2013, 5-29.
- ‘Peripheral Vision: A Russian Bourgeois’ Arctic Enlightenment’, The Historical Journal, 48 (2005) 623-40.
- ‘A Note on Atatürk’s Words about Gallipoli’, History Australia, 2 (2004) 10: 1-10.
- ‘An Empress and a Grand Vizier: Catherine, Baltacı Mehmed and the Battle of the Prut, 1711’ in Omeljan Pritsak Armağanı / A Tribute to Omeljan Pritsak, eds Mehmet Alpargu and Yücel Öztürk, Adapazarı, Sakarya Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2007, 651-80.
On History Teaching
- ‘A (Theory and Pedagogy) Essay on the (History) Essay’, Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, forthcoming 2017.
- ‘A History of the History Essay: Heritages, Habits and Hindrances’, History Australia, forthcoming 2016.
- ‘Curriculum Alignment and After’, Journal of University Teaching Learning Practice, 9 (3) 2012, article 8.
- ‘History Teaching in Australia: Stories are needed as well as analysis’, Australian Historical Association Bulletin, 96 (June 2003) 27-42.
- ‘Philosophical and Socio-Cognitive Foundations for Teaching in Higher Education through Collaborative Approaches to Student Learning’, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 43 (2011) 997-1011.
- ‘Teaching History at University through Communities of Inquiry’, Australian Historical Studies, 42 (2011) 168-93.
- Slovenia: Villages, Castles, Vineyards, Scenic Valleys and the Julian Alps (2023, 2024)
- The Ottoman Empire: Fourteenth to Twentieth Centuries (La Trobe University 2008 – 2015, 2019)
- Romania Revealed: Saxon Villages, Transylvanian Cities and Byzantine Monasteries (2019)
- Russia’s Romantic Soul: Moscow, Novgorod & St Petersburg (2019)